Graduate Programs

PhD Programs

Prospective graduate students interested in working with CRB faculty may apply for admission to the following UW-Madison PhD programs (Check with the specific faculty member first; not all faculty participate in all graduate programs).

Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical engineering is the application of engineering tools for solving problems in biology and medicine. It is an engineering discipline that is practiced by professionals trained primarily as engineers, who specialize in medical and biological application.  Read more…

Cancer Biology
The Cancer Biology Graduate Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (historically the PhD Program in Oncology) was established at the McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research in 1952 as the first graduate program in the United States to offer a PhD degree in basic cancer research. Read more… 

Cellular and Molecular Biology (CMB)
The Cellular & Molecular Biology (CMB) graduate program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison provides students the opportunity to work with more than 190 CMB faculty trainers in over 40 academic departments. Read more… 

Cellular and Molecular Pathology (CMP)
Faculty and students in the CMP program study the pathogenesis of human diseases. Our faculty includes over 80 National Institutes of Health/National Science Foundation funded investigators with research programs in Cancer Biology, Immunopathology, Neuropathology, and Signal Transduction. Read more… 

The mission of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is to conduct world-class, groundbreaking research in the chemical sciences while offering the highest quality of education to undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral associates. Read more… 

Comparative Biomedical Sciences
The UW School of Veterinary Medicine’s Comparative Biomedical Sciences (CBMS) graduate program provides a path to an M.S. or Ph.D. degree through exceptional graduate research training in core areas of animal and human health. Read more… 

Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology (ERP)
The Endocrinology & Reproductive Physiology Program at the University of Wisconsin is a broad base, interdepartmental degree-granting program designed to provide training at the predoctoral and postdoctoral level in interdisciplinary research at the forefront of Endocrinology and reproductive physiology. Read more… 

Our goal is to train the next generation of geneticists for diverse careers that leverage world-class expertise in genetic and genomic research. Students have a wide range of options in terms of laboratories to join and coursework to conduct; at the same time, students from our program are recognized as leaders in genetics and genomics because of the core intellectual focus of our program. Read more…

Integrated Program in Biochemistry (iPiB)
From atoms to cells to plants and animals, biochemistry research in IPiB is at the forefront of modern science. IPiB is a merged graduate training program from the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Department of Biochemistry and the Department of Biomolecular Chemistry. Read more… 

Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP; MD/PhD Program)
The Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison provides integrated graduate training in scientific research and clinical medicine, leading to a combined MD/PhD degree. Our goal is to produce physician-scientists who will make major contributions to the understanding and improvement of human health. Read more… 

Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (MCP)
The objective of the Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Training Program is to equip students with the skills required to conduct high impact biomolecular, biomedical, and pharmacological basic research. The program assists students in becoming independent investigators in these research areas. Read more…

Molecular and Environmental Toxicology (METC)
Molecular & Environmental Toxicology brings together many areas of research to determine how pollutants adversely affect human health and wildlife. Our Center promotes research on suspected and known environmental toxicants with an emphasis on multidisciplinary approaches, provides education and laboratory training at the graduate and postdoctoral levels, and facilitates exchange of scientific information relating to molecular and environmental toxicology. Read more… 

Neuroscience Training Program (NTP)
The program is designed to prepare students for careers in research and teaching. Training leads to the Ph.D. degree in neuroscience or the M.D./Ph.D. degree in cooperation with the School of Medicine and Public Health. Read more…